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    6 Products
    B.a.s knf fish amino acids

    B.a.s knf fish amino acids

    FAA - Fish Amino Acids

    This preparation is rich in sugars and plant compounds to provide diverse food sources for soil microbiology. FAA is also used in many Modern Korean Natural Farming solutions.

    Ingredients: Sugar, Fish, KNF IMO

    Out of stock
    $ 71.50
    B.A.S calcium phosphate 5 pound

    B.A.S calcium phosphate 5 pound

    3 Times more available than standard Calcium phosphate due to it's fine micronization.

    BuildASoil Calcium Phosphate is a natural mined mineral used for soil building. It can be applied dry or in a liquid suspension to the soil.

    In stock
    $ 16.00
    B.A.S glacial rock dust 15 pound

    B.A.S glacial rock dust 15 pound

    Glacial Rock Dust benefits soil because it is full of minerals and a very important part of any soil mix.

    In stock
    $ 30.00
    B.A.S basalt 5 pound

    B.A.S basalt 5 pound

    Packed with micronutrients like magnesium, iron, and calcium
    Assists with root growth
    Drives bigger yields
    Does not affect PH
    Adds paramagnetic energy and essential trace elements

    In stock
    $ 21.00
    B.A.S Gaia green glacial rock dust 2kg

    B.A.S Gaia green glacial rock dust 2kg

    Glacial Rock Dust benefits soil because it is full of minerals and a very important part of any soil mix.

    In stock
    $ 12.00
    B.A.S AG limestone 4 pound

    B.A.S AG limestone 4 pound

    AG Limestone is an agent added to soil to help raise the pH without adding trace amounts of magnesium like Dolomite Lime.

    In stock
    $ 12.00
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